Climbing at Ice Rock - the Coolest Kids on the Parkway

One of BRC’s protected areas in Alleghany County is the aptly named “Ice Rock,” where the Blue Ridge Parkway cuts through Bluff Mountain and water freezes on the cliff and over the parkway in the winter. Local rock and ice climbers Jasyn and Lance had an opportunity during the recent cold snap to introduce the next generation to the sport of ice climbing. The kids, ranging from 11-13 years in age, are no strangers to rock climbing in the High Country, and were up to the challenge of conquering the routes of ice despite sub-freezing temperatures. Thanks to Jasyn for letting us share his photos, and stay warm out there!

Located adjacent to Doughton Park at milepost 242, this 95-acre piece of land was protected by BRC and CTNC in 2017. Read more about this history of this project here.

Leila Jackson